
milton jones


do i hear voices in my head, i hear you ask – milton jones
March 2014

bee keepers

if they make it illegal to wear the veil at work, bee keepers are going to be furious – milton jones
March 2014

police dog

if you’re being chased by a police dog, try not to go through a tunnel, then on to a little seesaw, then jump through a... Read More
March 2014
Crushed // Melon
  1. Crushed // Melon
  2. Heavy Wait // Melon
  3. Hello Boys // Melon
  4. Why I Hate the Sixties // Melon
  5. The Last Dream // Melon
  6. Sheila // Melon
  7. Saturday Girl // Melon
  8. Park and Ride // Melon
  9. Now I know // Melon
  10. My Crap Life // Melon